In the 1970s, Chef Steven Saunders embarked on a remarkable culinary journey, honing his skills at the prestigious Savoy Hotel in London. This iconic establishment has a long-standing tradition of culinary excellence and has shaped the careers of numerous renowned chefs. Steven’s time at the Savoy marked the inception of his culinary prowess and his unwavering commitment to the art of gastronomy.
However, his journey didn’t end there. In a remarkable feat, Chef Steven Saunders achieved a culinary milestone in 1981 when he was merely 19 years old. He assumed the role of Chef Patron at The White Hart, a privately owned hotel and restaurant nestled in the picturesque North Essex village of Great Yeldham. This remarkable achievement solidified his place in the annals of culinary history, making him Britain’s youngest-ever Chef Patron of a privately owned hotel and restaurant.
This title remains unchallenged, a testament to Chef Steven Saunders exceptional talent, dedication, and pioneering spirit. Over the years, he has continued to push the boundaries of gastronomy, leaving an indelible mark on the world of culinary arts. His journey from the Savoy Hotel to The White Hart is a tale of culinary excellence, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of the extraordinary. It’s a legacy that continues to inspire aspiring chefs and captivate the palates of those who have had the privilege of experiencing his cuisine.
The Geranium, led by Chef Steven Saunders, stands as a testament to the profound connection between his name and the exceptional cuisine he serves. Just as “The Geranium” conveys qualities of goodness, creativity, and innovation, so too does Chef Steven Saunders name resonate with these ideals.
His culinary mission revolves around celebrating the very essence of good food, intertwined with a relentless pursuit of creativity and innovation. This union is at the heart of his approach, shaping his every dish.
As you enter his establishment, you immerse yourself in a world where every detail, every ingredient, and every flavor has been thoughtfully considered. He takes immense pride in sourcing the best seasonal ingredients, carefully chosen to highlight the local flavors and the essence of the season.
At The Geranium, gastronomy is an art form. Each plate is a canvas, and every dish is a masterpiece. Chef Steven Saunders name serves as a symbol of culinary excellence, and his passion and expertise drive the ingenuity behind the culinary creations that grace his tables.
We cordially invite you to embark on a culinary journey at our restaurant, where each bite is a celebration of the goodness of food, the boundless realm of creativity, and the enduring spirit of innovation. Join us and allow Steven Saunders to ignite your senses with the extraordinary culinary experiences that await you.